Honey Porter Beer Recipe D.I.Y. - Build The Bottle All-Grain Beer

Honey Porter Beer Recipe D.I.Y.

Honey Porter Beer Recipe D.I.Y.
Honey Porter Beer Recipe D.I.Y.

Honey Porter Beer Recipe D.I.Y.

Hey Guys and Gals!

Are you looking for an awesome Honey Porter Beer Recipe? You now have no reason to look any further; you have just found what you have been looking for!

Beer Style: Robust Porter
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5 US gallons

Original Gravity: 1.086
Final Gravity: 1.012
Alcohol by Vol: 9.69%
Recipe Type: partial mash
Yield: 5.00 US Gallons


  • Crystal Malt, 120L ½ lb
  • Roasted Barley ½ lb
  • Chocolate Malt ÂĽ lb
  • Honey Malt ÂĽ lb
  • Briess CBW, Porter 1 bag (3.3 lb)
  • Plain Amber DME 1 bag (3 lb)
  • Perle leaf 1 oz bittering hops
  • Fuggle leaf 1 oz flavoring hops
  • Burton Ale Yeast WLP (Liquid)
  • Irish Moss ÂĽ tsp


All the equipment or comes into contact with brew must be sanitized. Though the fermenting equipment can be done while the wort is cooling. Be sure to clean and sanitize the fermenters, airlock, lid, hose, hydrometer and test jar and rubber stopper.

Step 1
  • Crystal Malt, 120L ½ lb
  • Roasted Barley ½ lb
  • Chocolate Malt ÂĽ lb
  • Honey Malt ÂĽ lb

Bring 3.25-3.5 gallons of water to 170F and add grain.

Add above grains to grain bag tie a knot at one end of the “Grain Bag” leaving room for the grains to be loose in the bag. Place the Grain Bag in the water.

This will reduce temp to about 120-130F. Stir and slowly raise temp to 154F and hold for 60 min.

Mashout to 170 for 15 min

Remove the “Grain Bag” from the pot. Do not squeeze the bag, just let the liquid drain from the bag into the pot.

The water is now called a “Wort” at this point and will be referred to as such.

After removing grain bag bring the “Wort” to a boil. It should be brought to a rolling boil, but be careful to avoid a “Boil Over. The boil time is 60 min.

Step 2
  • Briess CBW, Porter 1 bag (3.3 lb)
  • Plain Amber DME 1 bag (3 lb)

Turn of flame and add, than bring back to boil for 60 min.

Step 3
  • Perle leaf 1 oz bittering hops

45 mins before end of boil add the above.

Step 4
  • Fuggle leaf 1 oz flavoring hops
  • Irish Moss ÂĽ tsp

Last 15 min of boil

Step 5
  • Honey

After fire is out

Fermentation Through Bottling Samuel Adams Style Beer Recipe

Once the boiling period is over, it is time to cool the wort. If you have a wort chiller use it now.

Transfer the wort into the primary fermenting vessel, then top off with cold water.

Aerate the wort at this point. This can be accomplished with an aeration stone or simply by rocking the fermenter back and forth once the lid is in place.

This is the time that you will want to take a specific gravity reading. Use a hydrometer and record the reading. Your targeted gravity levels though temperature will affect so you just need within range.
Step 6

Once the wort is cooled to around 75° F, it is safe to pitch the yeast. Pitch according the proper procedures of the type of yeast you have.

  • Burton Ale Yeast WLP (Liquid)

Prepare a 2L yeast starter by stirring the yeast into the water then let mixture stand in cup for 15 minutes, make sure it is bubbling and then you will add it to your beer after the beer has cooled.


Ferment for 1 week at yeasts suggested temp on package.

Make sure your carboy is around a third empty leaving space for frothing and foaming.

After primary fermentation rack into your secondary carboy and let sit for another week. The less exposure to oxygen the better it will taste so be careful when you rack.

After secondary fermentation sterilize and then bottle cap. Siphon slowly so that that sediments don’t get mixed in.

Step 8
  • 3 oz of priming sugar

Add priming sugar before bottling.

Congratulations, You Have Completed Making this Awesome Honey Porter Style Beer!

You now need a bottle and a label which are cool enough to compliment your hard work. Honestly, if you put it into a cheap bottle, people will make fun of you. BUT, if it looks good, people will rave about it!

Additional Info

Notes on Utensils and Ingredients

  • Glass is always preferable when working with strong alcohol. Avoid plastic as much as possible.
  • Use organic ingredients to avoid pesticide residues.

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To spirits and cheers,

Binyomin Terebelo, Master Distiller and Drinkoligist

Image by Michael Tampakakis from Pixabay

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Written by Binyomin Terebelo
I love hearing from you about why you love something I wrote or published or a recipe I don't know. I am Master Distiller at Terebelo Distillery, Love all things alcohol. Freelance for Grogmag and blog recipes for buildthebottle.com Weekend Rabbi too.
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