Gentian Burdock Bitters Liqueur Recipe D.I.Y. - Build The Bottle Liqueur

Gentian Burdock Bitters Liqueur Recipe D.I.Y.

Gentian Burdock Bitters Liqueur Recipe D.I.Y.
Gentian Burdock Bitters Liqueur Recipe D.I.Y.

Gentian Burdock Bitters Liqueur Recipe D.I.Y.

Hey Guys and Gals!

Are you looking for an awesome Gentian Burdock Bitters Liqueur Recipe? You now have no reason to look any further you have just found what you have been looking for! This is the most awesome tasting Gentian Burdock Bitters Liqueur Recipe in the world.


Step 1 Bittering agent
  • 2 tablespoons gentian root
  • 2 tablespoons burdock root
  • 1 ½ cups of vodka
Step 2 Flavoring Agent
  • A second jar
  • 1 orange zest
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 15 whole allspice berries
  • 10 whole cloves
  • 3 whole star anise
  • 1 ½ oz. freshly chopped ginger (about a 2” nub)
  • 1 1/2 cups of vodka
Step 3
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup water

Utensils Tips

Here is a list of the simplest utensils that you can use; the ones Mom should already have in the kitchen:)

– cheesecloth
– saucepan
– small funnel
– glass bottles, or storage containers, for bottling and serving, you can either use the glass Jar you used before, or just buy a second one. 


Step 1

Put chopped gentian root and burdock root in a mason jar.

Fill up with vodka seal and store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Shake once daily.

Step 2

Chop into ginger root chunks.

Peel zest from a freshly washed orange and remove the pith.

Combine ginger root, orange zest, cinnamon sticks, allspice berries, cloves and star anise in your mason jar.

Fill to the 12 oz. mark with Everclear®.

Aging and Straining Your Gentian Burdock Bitters Liqueur Recipe

Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Shake once daily.

Let both sit for a month and than you will strain it.

Straining, strain each jar separately.

When using a cheesecloth to strain when you get to the point where you have strained everything out.

You can gently wring the cheesecloth to extract all of the remaining liquid and juice.

Straining, some prefer the look of having the leaves in the bottle others prefer to strain using a cheesecloth.

When using a cheesecloth to strain when you get to the point where you have strained everything out.

You can gently wring the cheesecloth to extract all of the remaining liquid and juice.

Mix 4 parts flavoring agent to 1 part bittering agent (or to taste)

Step 3

Bring sugar and water to a boil in a small saucepan over high heat stirring to dissolve. Let this simple syrup cool.

Combine the strained mixture with the simple syrup in a jar or bottle. Pour in simple syrup slowly tasting all the while till it is sweet to your taste.

Congratulations, You Have Completed Making this Awesome Gentian Burdock Bitters Liqueur Recipe!

You now need a bottle and a label which are cool enough to compliment your hard work. Honestly, if you put it into a cheap bottle, people will make fun of you. BUT, if it looks good, people will rave about it!

Notes on Utensils and Ingredients

  • Glass is always preferable when working with strong alcohol. Avoid plastic as much as possible.
  • Use organic ingredients to avoid pesticide residues.

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To spirits and cheers,

Binyomin Terebelo, Master Distiller and Drinkologist.

Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

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Written by Binyomin Terebelo
I love hearing from you about why you love something I wrote or published or a recipe I don't know. I am Master Distiller at Terebelo Distillery, Love all things alcohol. Freelance for Grogmag and blog recipes for Weekend Rabbi too.
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