Whiskey Review How To Review Whiskey - Build The Bottle

Whiskey Review How To Review Whiskey

Whiskey Review How To Review Whiseky
Whiskey Review How To Review Whiseky

Whiskey Review How To Review Whiskey

I am excited to share with you a new section called the whiskey review. Hopefully, we will review a whiskey a week and share with you some thoughts about it.

First, how do you taste a whiskey to write a review? This is a seven-step process that I am going to share with you.

  1. You need the right glass.

In your standard tumbler, the aromas of the whisky are going to be able to spill all over the place. You want something that can concentrate those aromas towards your nose so that you can appreciate them. A Glencairn the shot glass portrayed is the best one to capture all the aromas until you develop your taste and decide what you want.

  1. Write what you think.

Be honest with yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you what to smell and taste. That includes not reading the back of the whisky box or label or listening to the rep standing across the table, which so badly wants to make the sale to you. Of course, there is always a benefit to comparing notes with a friend and hearing all other’s input, including the sales rep.

  1. Time and patience

Tasting lots of different whiskies, and knowing about the distilleries they are made in, will assist you in being able to identify with a sniff the typestyle and location—a Bourbon by tasting a sip. Even further on, you might learn to recognize a particular distillery, age, or cask type!

  1. Drink it your way (water can help).

Again, don’t let anyone dictate how you like your whisky. But for review, to get the whiskey to open up, avoid ice, as coldness numbs the palate. However, some would suggest adding a small drop of water; this can help to bring out the whisky’s character and flavors.

  1. Compare but not to many at once!

Get a few whiskies and a few glasses, yes use a fresh glass for every shot. Taste away! Eat something bland in between shots.

  1. Score your shot!

Sum up your experience of the whisky with a grade. You may like an exam-style A-F grade or a numerical score ranging from 0-100, 0-10, or 0-5.

Or the ‘four questions’ scale: Is it worth its value? Would I buy this? Would I order it in a bar? Would I drink this if someone gave me a glass?

Looking Foward to hearing from You,

Master Distiller and Drinkologist,

BInyomin Terebelo

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Written by Binyomin Terebelo
I love hearing from you about why you love something I wrote or published or a recipe I don't know. I am Master Distiller at Terebelo Distillery, Love all things alcohol. Freelance for Grogmag and blog recipes for buildthebottle.com Weekend Rabbi too.
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