How Fermentation Happens - Build The Bottle Yeast

How Fermentation Happens

How Fermentation Happens
How Fermentation Happens, A brief yet concise description!

How Fermentation Happens

How Fermentation Happens is really only one word yeast, think of those little speckles of powder or that queasy looking jar of sludge. As hungry little children or buggies that just love sugar.

Startling enough they eat all the sugar that they can get their little “mouths on”. Well as will happen the consumption of all that sugar causes the yeast to have lots of children who then eat more of the sugar!

What happens when the yeast eat sugar is that they convert the sugar in to ethanol-alcohol and to carbon dioxide.

(Interestingly carbon dioxide for years would be captured using a hose using from the closed container to a bucket of sealed water creating seltzer. Today it is caught and run into freezing cold freezers to create dry ice.)

Alcohol we don’t have to explain what it is, its what you want to drink. However getting it to taste just right can be a little bit tricky.

See just like if you are at a meal all you need is one unpleasant guest to spoil the evening so to yeast if a wild, stray, or contaminated yeast enters into your wine it to can ruin the wine.

How Fermentation Happens By The Masters

However sometimes, and the masters at winery’s around the world practice this, feel that when producing grape wine, wild yeast will give the wine a taste of the “terroir” meaning a taste of the earth grapes grew on!

Now grapes actually have a yeast that grows with it on the peel unlike other fruit. So don’t try this out with say an orange you will only have a wild bacteria strain!

Don’t try to go pro right away and use the “terroir” yeast simply for these reasons. You do not have the experience to work with them they can be a difficult, further if you did not get the fruit or the grapes directly from the orchard or vineyard then those wild yeasts will be contaminated.

How To Chose Your Yeast

Obviously look for the yeast that matches your desire sweet or dry, which is really dependent on your sugar content read What Yeast To Use For Fruit Wine.

When you do chose your yeast after deciding what type of wine you want, make sure that you will be able to follow the instructions state on the pack. If it says to make your wine in a room that’s between 64-69 degrees or whatever, guess what if its a different temperature, lets say higher the yeast will start sweating just like you would and that will alter the taste.

To low the temperature, and guess what the yeast will sleep it in.

If the yeast package says to only use in up to a 5 gallon carboy don’t use for a 6 gallon wine recipe.

See what happens is those little yeasts sweat when they work and heat up the wine. The more they have to work the hotter it gets. Since these yeasts will be working more then they can, the yeast either wont work at all or will work to hard and make the wine get hot ruining part of the flavor.

The more they have to work the hotter it gets. Since these yeasts will be working more then they can, the yeast either wont work at all or will work to hard and make the wine get hot ruining part of the flavor.

So always chose your yeast based on the details you have learned temperature, size of the recipe, and taste wanted.

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To Spirits And Cheers

Master Distiller and Mixoligst Binyomin Terebelo

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Written by Binyomin Terebelo
I love hearing from you about why you love something I wrote or published or a recipe I don't know. I am Master Distiller at Terebelo Distillery, Love all things alcohol. Freelance for Grogmag and blog recipes for Weekend Rabbi too.
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