Different Types Of Sugar You can Use In A Liqueur - Build The Bottle

Different Types Of Sugar You can Use In A Liqueur

Different Types Of Sugar You can Use In A Liqueur
Different Types Of Sugar You can Use In A Liqueur

Different Types Of Sugar You can Use In A Liqueur

When creating a liqueur in particular a liqueur that you want to be clear, it is important to know what your choice of sugar is and if you can substitute it with another sugar.

My preference is almost always to use white granulated sugar I find that it is the most acceptable taste to all my guest in addition it never caused my

Turbinado sugar

Turbinado sugar, commonly used as a replacement for brown sugar or white it has more moisture then both but that is not necessary here because you are adding it to liquid. It will also run the risk when making a clear liqueur of making it cloudy.

Brown Sugar Or Organic Sugar

Though some consider it a healthier sugar the ordinary granulated white sugar I strongly suggest against using it except when recommended. The brown sugar does not allow the Liqueur to be clear and can add an undesirable hue.


Honey, using a clear honey to replace ordinary granulated white sugar works when you are using a clear honey. However be forewarned that when heating it up, it can be tricky you don’t want to burn it will have a bad color so just warm up the water and stir well.

The taste that honey adds can add some notes that you might fall in love with or might consider very desirable. So please share with me when it works for you.

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup will rework your entire recipe, I absolutely love maple syrup and if you are to then it is a sure way to go. As i’m sure you figured out the flavor and color will be greatly altered. Like honey be careful when you warm it up, and please comment when you try it.

Confectionary sugar

Do not use will create a cloudy mess, confectionary sugar belongs on cake leave it there.

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Written by Binyomin Terebelo
I love hearing from you about why you love something I wrote or published or a recipe I don't know. I am Master Distiller at Terebelo Distillery, Love all things alcohol. Freelance for Grogmag and blog recipes for buildthebottle.com Weekend Rabbi too.
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